Greetings to all who've made it here, and thanks to any who care to engage the ideas presented herein. This is the introductory tour that will best navigate the reader through my ideas as they've developed on this blog.
So, the links in these introductory statements progress through the ideas as they develop, referring back to each other when appropriate.
This is a work in constant development...
In getting started writing this here blog, I stated my intentions and agenda forthwith, so that the perspective outlined and the methodology it follows are not oblique or otherwise obfuscated. I follow a regimen of intellectual honesty in line with a healthy skepticism that allows for uninhibited gathering of data and viewpoints before purporting to have a particular belief at any given moment.
In discussing controversial issues and developing communicable ideas about these important topics, just to mention some of the more potent ones like 2012, the NWO, and climate changes, I apply my specialty of having many interpretations available at any given time and the ability to postpone judgment when appropriate. In order to speak my mind on society, that is, go beyond the cognitive dissonance of main-stream reality,I aim to compose a philosophical foundation for a sustainable human enterprise, based on consenting individuals engaging directly in persuasion to develop a dignified kind of life for us all. My first foray into this kind of idea was my second semester of university that culminated in this paper here, on Albert Camus' essay, The Rebel. As my philosophies have since evolved, I found it appropriate to record and share it as best as possible, this being another mutation of this intention.
I see a more appropriate way of life, based on an essential sovereignty that is recognized for all, defined as an absence of mind control and coercion, which would perhaps allow for a peaceful state of stateless anarchy. Ultimately, my 'political' aims can be summed up in the call, which advocates an approach that does not initiate violence and recognizes only mutually consensual relationships as lawfully legitimate. Beyond the call there are many considerations to be taken into account, and I believe a universal declaration of intent is in order, whereby a single document might be favourable to any and all who read it, and might one day operate as a prima facie law for consenting individuals who no longer recognize the need for elitist statism.
to be continued...