Monday, August 16, 2010

Consider This


You've been expecting a party that you've been paying for, for 50 years. Your sweat and toil has earned you the opportunity of having an all-expenses paid party for you and your hundred closest friends. You've been told that everything has been taken care of by the organizers and that no worries are permissible because they are trustworthy service providers with your best interests at heart. The caterers promise that they will most certainly provide for the party you anticipate and you trust the established relationship.

Then comes the day; it turns out that the caterer has disappeared without trace and party is most certainly still expected of you. In the kitchen you find a barren fridge and many dried cupboards, with no significant nutrition to be be found, let alone enough to provide for the mouths in line to be fed. You are indeed responsible for having invited everyone, and are now at a loss as to how you're going to do it. There are people that will necessarily have to be fed or else you'll be faced with unfortunate disappointment. Your party has failed.

Now let's use the same scenario with slightly altered parameters. The party discussed previously is now considered your life. The invited guests are children you've brought into the world and your extended family that you love dearly. The caterers are the state and its representatives to whom individuals have relegated their personal and societal obligations. These are the parameters that have changed for the second scenario in consideration:

So the expected party that you've been trusting will be provided for is closer to home now that it's not just a party but your life and the well-being of everyone around you. Are you still going to trust this caterer, now that the party has a more significant personal impact? With the caterer in question not only being the provider of food, but the ideological foundation for the society around you, including energy sources, policy setters and enforcers, health-care, etc., the bottom dollar of most people's lives is entirely dependent on a monopolized system of commerce and consumerism. Most individuals would find empty cupboards and barren fridges if and when the shit hits the fan.

I call out to anyone and everyone who wishes to laden our pantries with self-sufficiently produced food and quality of life. This can be achieved relatively easily, compared with the alternative of giving in to tyrants who in the end won't provide anyways. Fuck the caterers, 'cause their promises ain't shit. This is patently obvious by any honest track record of dishonest politics, of which the former are few and the latter are endemic throughout thousands of years of human 'culture.'

The party we've been promised is slipping away from each and every one of us. The system is failing and they've told us to just hold on, 'cause if we wait a little longer, the party is going to be sooooo awesome. Then comes the day. Maybe today is September 11th in New York, August 6th in Hiroshima, or maybe July 7th in London. In any case, the caterers didn't show and your party was ruined. The Big Brother that was trusted to provide sustenance seems to be unable to provide the stability necessary for the life you were expecting. So you thought you were paying something of value called taxes in return for something also of value called security even though those previously mentioned cases are far from solved. Let alone being solved, many questions are still in the air about whether or not those events were not indeed controlled to happen as false-flag terrorist operations. The caterers not only didn't show up, they're crashing whatever party you're thinking you might get. Not only have they run away with your life's efforts and toils, but you realize that it was their intention from the start to use you as a slave for their own benefit. They've done this to the whole world, no less! And then they crash whatever party you've got left.

With so many party crashers crashing parties, whether they be bankrupt banksters looting the public with fees and bailouts and scams, media monopolies exercising mind-control elite agendas, govern(ed)-mental 'representation' by petty bureaucrats like Harper and Obama et. al, my individual party is in jeopardy for certain! All I want to do is to sustain my own life by my own efforts, and am not able to without suffering violence or contributing to the systemic violence that is our so called culture. Tell me I have to work to make money!? Tell me it's how to get ahead or what we have to do to get by! Preposterous! By what measure are we determining what must or must not be? Who gets to say who runs everyone's life.

Just because you think this is best system doesn't mean I agree. Are you then willing to personally inflict violence on me? Most people would ignore the question outright, validating that they authorize others to inflict that violence on their behalf, and also on the themselves. By adhering to the system, understanding and abiding its rules and regulations, you necessarily are responsible for its actions whether you like it or not. Without trying to alienate any readers, it is not my intention to convince anyone of anything. Please feel free to disagree as I insist that is a necessary function of getting beyond where we are. I might be convinced by your perspective as well.

What it comes down to is that the system that is being perpetuated whether we like it or not, is a domination of humanity by humans, an institutionalized violence that is seemingly legitimized by a high standard of living for 'civilized' middle-class populations. Although no individual can be separated from the masses and identified as the architect of this system, it has been developed for at least centuries and I think longer. Nonetheless, that we all perpetuate it by going to work, paying our taxes, wishing for our party down the road when our masterfully beneficent Big Brother is going to solve all the problems at hand by manipulating the money game in favour of the elites who will let it trickle down their legs for the masses to battle to death over...and be more than happy to do it. This false security in a so-called high-standard of living is very true if you're living it. I was brought up in it and currently live through it. I am as responsible as anyone else. But at least I'm doing something about it. Even if these ideas I articulate never reach another individual (perhaps a receptive one?) I've articulated them for myself. This is my contribution to life, my individual anarchy. What are you doing?

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