Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Getting Started

"Truth has never yet clung to the arm of an inflexible man."
- Nietzsche

Well this is my first foray out into the blogosphere as the blogger rather than the blogee; doing the blogging instead of being blogged at. Having only contributed my participation as an observer, so far, I have amassed multifarious research, data, and perspectives on many curious topics without lending my own interpretation to these findings in writing for others to find. Now is my chance to will to life a communication that is open for any and all. This is the chance for me to renew ideas of old in fresh language. Thusly, a feisty and fiery Misfit Shaman arose from the ashes of his previous lives, to bring his unique visionary words out into the world.

"You must be ready to burn yourself in your own flame; how could you become new, if you had not first become ashes?" - Nietzsche

I call this enterprise the Misfit Shaman for a multitude of reasons. I chose Misfit because I never fit in to any particular popular category of person, and everything I'm interested in could be similarly considered as mis-fitting into any and all popular categories. Sometimes ideas are no longer appropriate and need to be cast aside, thrown to the fire to be consumed.

I chose Shaman because it is a word that our (western) culture has lost, save for academic and flaky new-age nonsense, but still retains the potency of times long forgotten when every culture around the world had a specific and special role for those misfit to ordinary, or popular, cultural activity. These people were always ready to walk through to fire, into worlds beyond the ordinary, by consuming their inner flames through transubstantiation and bring insights back from that which lies outside the limitations of material life.

The name is more so a stylized reinterpretation of a psychedelic vision I had, in which the name geek shaman seemed appropriate in describing my thought patterns at the time.

From that psychedelic perspective I wrote:

'This scrap of meat and soul demands to be given a higher word.'

An inspiring tidbit to anyone else or not, I became motivated to get something done, anything, so long as I was evolving. Cryptic and of little apparent sense, I take this to mean that I require ever changing language to describe my experience, and also that it requires some form of communication outside my own use. The demand seems more like an affirmation of intent rather than a physical command. I seek more in life than what is available by conventional means, and need the appropriate language to communicate my perspective.

Please don't take any of this blog to mean that I feel inclined to considering myself as apart or higher in some way to my peers; but that as far as the status quo can be stretched, it will never satisfy my insatiable curiosity for novelty and further precision, nor will it ever be able to extinguish my passion for having been extended the opportunity to temporarily wear a skin bag meat puppet and experience the incredibly wonderful world we live in and the awesome sensation of being here-and-now.

Here is my opportunity to risk being wrong. If my ideas stay entirely with me, I might as well think I'm right all the time. But that's not where the passion lives; it's in my capability to tell the most articulate story I have available about how the world works, and here is where it will happen. I venture from one experience to another learning stories to tell about what I find, and the purpose here is to tell my story so that it can evolve and develop even better.

What are we ever if not story tellers. Everyone walks around congratulating each other that they all have a similar enough story to tell that minimal representation of neurological states can be related by 'small human mouth noises undulating sound waves though the medium of air to be recognized as significant by another nervous system as reverberations calculated in a tiny bone fragment stimulated to action a human ear,' or something of the sort to paraphrase Terrence McKenna, as no one so masterfully describes a seemingly simple act of speech so gracefully precisely as he.

My story follows....

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