Chemtrails, O Chemtrails,
From whence dost thou cometh?
Sowing seeds of confounded mystery
In the soil, our food, and our minds.
Really, what the fuck?
I remember walking out of the Harriet Irving Library at UNB in Fredericton and seeing 7 or 8 planes in parallel formation flying directly towards me from the north. It was nearly sunset as I'd been studying for a paper I was working on, and I was probably relaxing to smoke a joint. It must have been only a few days before that I had been exposed to the chemtrail meme via the oracular endowments of the internet, (why does every spell checker want to capitalize Internet for me?) namely a documentary called 'Goodbye Blue Sky' (can't find google video link) and the work by Freeman of the Freeman Perspective. What was most interesting about the planes was what they were leaving behind. This was something I'd never noticed before! How could we not see!?
Now this is one of the most vivid memories I have of witnessing chemtrails, mostly because they're visible almost everywhere I've been in the world, on a daily basis, so the sight of them because somewhat commonplace.
to be continued...
Although the chemtrail action of late has been disparate and consolidated to covering the setting sun, it persists nonetheless. I really just wanted to post this picture I rediscovered recently of the heaviest spraying I've ever seen, and this was in Amsterdam circa summer '05.
totally awesome photo!!