This is a demarcation that is seldom made in the foray of attitudes that constitute our cultural morass. This milieu consists of many systems of under-standing, without ever taking into consideration that I stand-over things as well. It is my individual quest to stand fast, accepting responsibility for what I stand on and what stands on me as well.
The best way to show the difference between under and over -standing is by identifying the occasion of persuasion and differentiating it from mind control. Both situations involve overstanding, individuals' experiences, and understanding; the differences revolve around the language used to comment on a common situation. When persuasion happens, individuals overstand the need to consensually enter a common linguistic understanding; whereas in a situation of mind control, conceptual structures, also understanding are built to contain or repress the individuality that is expressed in the act of overstanding.
Overstanding is an individual's experience, the self as it is, whether recognized as such or not. This is the locus of the individuated human situation.
Understanding is the common human experience, as modeled and modulated through the use of language.
The former occurs in the realms of perception and belief, the latter in the realms of dialogue and culture. Perception and dialogue are openness whereas belief and culture are limited enterprises.
In the realm of understanding, perception can be influenced by culture and compel subsequent states of overstanding. This is belief: in searching for truth, understanding (a specific model) can be confused with overstanding (perception, experience of self, and intellectual honesty).
The best example of this is how the law society and governments use legalese to confound the 'citizens of the world,' depriving individuals' overstanding of their legal status and imposing fictitious corporate identities on living souls and forcing specific limitations of language on the individuals who make up common society.
However, even in the most personal of personal realms, in the inner experience of overstanding, dialogue can be influenced by culturally imposed belief and compel subsequent states of understanding, resulting in cognitive dissonance and even so far as inauthentic perception. Some people still 'believe' that a plane hit the Pentagon. Give me a break.
Overstanding has been left at understanding's door, and everyone skips gleefully into the chapel of reason. 'It's OK, psychology and technology and medicine will take care of me just fine.' 'I don't need to think about my own well-being because there is a plan for me to follow right here.' 'The government is a natural evolution of social structures.' Those statements are all fine and good and all, if you care to accept them at face value, but for many others on the planet right now this just isn't enough.
For me, I recognize no authority but my own in determining how I overstand the world. Whatever understandings I care to utilize in this journey are at my whim, and mine alone. Remembering the call I made to any and all who would hear, it can be lucidly addressed by elucidating the over/under -standing distinction.
The first option being, you yourself authorize violence against your peers on behalf of and executed by agents of international financiers and their controllers. This is the current state of understanding that the world operates under, veiled by jingoistic narcissism that is sublimated into culture by means of education, money, television, government and other mind control means. The only other option is abolishing the state and financial system. Anything less, like reform, is a futile struggle. Einstein put it something like this; that you can't solve the problems of a situation by using the same kinds of thinking that got you there in the first place.
Having only been a few weeks since I've really comprehended this part of my trip, there have been limited few people that have suffered my rant so far. Nonetheless, of those few, maybe 20% actually got it, whether they agreed or not which is not the important part, and the rest just kind of nodded along. The only time that anyone wanted to retort was when there were six representatives from the common line of thinking and me from my uncommon approach. And, being the more intoxicated one among us, I somehow allowed myself to be talked into the corner that I was arguing against. I don't recall exactly how that discussion took place but it's not important. It just goes to show that the more common understanding is more easily rallied in its own defense because it has so many supporters. Power in numbers. Just look at the zombie archetype. They are stupid and many and will get you eventually, unless you're clever and cunning enough...
Overstanding is what humans really want, And yes, I'm willing to put in my two cents for what I think about that. None of this is definitive, it's part of my overstanding process. People want to love and be loved. Because this might not be so apparent in the world today, I refer you back to the mind control of imposed concepts being discussed throughout the blog here. I think it is only in retaliation to having individuality suppressed that people act out of fear, and instinctually focus on their self-preservation alone.
This state of mind is capitalized on by capitalism and capitalists and their controllers. Understanding only states of fear, overstanding is atrophied into nearly permanent rigor mortis. Then, the only options available when understanding comes under attack, or seems to be threatened at least, are those provided by the cultural programming. Creativity and imagination on how to solve even the simplest of life's occasions has been stifled to below mediocrity.
understanding is sorcery
overstanding is magic
sorcerers control
magicians create
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