
This is my homage to those whose work has helped bring me to where I'm at, and inspires the passion of my own efforts.

The Incomplete List:

David Icke

Freeman of The Freeman Perspective

Henrich Palmgren and everyone at Red Ice Creations

Michael Tsarion

Graham Hancock

Nancy Lieder at Zeta Talk

Robert Anton Wilson

Bill Hicks

Italo Calvino

Terrence McKenna

Ken Wilber

Lloyd Pye

Jeff Rense

Frederich Nietzsche

Georges Bataille

Immanuel Velikovsky

Rick Strassman

George Carlin

Hunter S. Thompson

Timothy Leary

Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan at Project Camelot

The Synchro-Mystic Community at

Albert Camus


Phillip K. Dick

Soren Kierkegaard

Emmanuel Levinas

Marc Stevens of the No State Project