The name says it all. As much of a paradox as it might seem to be, it is this meme that I wish to offer to world as a belief 'meta'-program for use in open-source philosophy. Please remember that I've previously defined a belief as a "favoured perspective utilized for its capability to fulfill a conceptual requirement," and not a particular set of absolute convictions. The prefix, 'meta', means change, and the context used here, I seek to change some of the most ingrained belief programs out there, that is absolutist ones. In fact, the public secret society is a sort of tentative commitment to avoid all absolutisms, as they tend to bring along so much conflict and strife. Definitions are tentative, defined as well as possible, and agreed to by those who wish to use the words.
The definition of a society states that it is a group of people who have consensually organized themselves to define their common reality. A tradition that has been passed on since before history, in my estimation, is for a smaller society to occlude particular aspects of reality from the larger societal context. This is what is called a secret society, and whether it is hiding something real and tangible like secrets of the universe or hiding its intentions and operations, its nature is essentially occult by definition. There are many of these societies remaining today, and it is from their wealth of traditions that I seek to gather any fruitful practices that can help me in my adventure.
The advent of all forms of control by an elite group over the masses is precedented by conspiracy. Organizing the wider society along specific parameters dictated by a narrowly self-involved society, the secret one, is the modus operandi of human civilization. Although it is not my belief that the controllers really have control, more like influence, the means of influencing the masses to benefit the elites has been fairly standard for many generations. This is achieved, methinks, by installing a de facto authority that answers to a higher authority, that of the 'controllers.' My proposition is to turn this process on its head.
I wish to establish a public secret society: a group of individuals that have organized a consensus reality that is a higher authority than any other, subject to one golden rule alone, and open to any and all who consent.
It may seem strange to request an individual's consent as a condition for membership in a society; however, if the current cultural milieu has not explicitly stated the requirements and implications of 'citizenship,' as it were, have we as 'persons' actually consented to the society of which we're allegedly a part? I say that this tacit assumption is necessary for the continuation of civilization as it is known today. If everyone was aware that their society was in fact dictated by another society that considers itself separate and superior to the unwashed masses of humanity, there might be a problem...
Let's consider a quote by Nietzsche that might lend some credulity to the assertions I'm proposing: "There is no such thing as fact, only interpretation." Even though I used the word fact in the previous paragraph only goes to illustrate the point that if and when enough people agree upon particular interpretations of certain phenomena they become fact. This agreed upon reality is the consensus world I can envision and is not the current state of affairs in the world today, as far as I've experienced.
Instead, there has been concerted effort by a class of societies operating with an invisible hand that plays a large part in the directing of civilization; and it is this secret orientation from which I wish to take back our usurped human power. If we were to create our own society as independent as possible from any consideration by the statist structures governed by the aforementioned hand, and there is enough support to assert that independence non-violently when confronted by false authorities, then a real society might emerge from the miasma of civilization. Ghandi, when asked what he thought of western civilization, answered "I think it would be a good idea." I say we live up to Ghandi's words.
By using the tactics previously and currently employed by the handlers of the current so-called authorities, how can these methods be called into question? By elucidating the M.O. of the secret societies as they've operated up until now, we would be able to show how their tactics have created authorities and hierarchies at all. The creation of artificial persons being perhaps the most ingrained and insidious, in my opinion, would necessarily be the first to go. By creating a corporate golem and convincing everyone to beleive that the monster bearing the mark of the beast is actually them, the shadow societies have effectively secured their influence over the hearts and minds of all 'persons' on the planet. If we can overstand and overcome this entirely fictitious limitation, as is my intention, then we'd be able to invent and construct our own authority, only public this time...
I think there are many aspects to the idea I'm developing here, and I certainly haven't thought of them all let alone made note of it, but still, there's a kernel of something ready to grow. An idea I'd mentioned in the previous post on evolving ideas is a sort of Universal Declaration of Intent. This might be able to serve as the documentation of people's desired interaction with authority structures.
Another aspect of how open this society needs to be could be achieved in manners of degrees. Just as freemasonry as degrees of membership, so too could the public secret society. For instance, the first degree could be to recognize that the corporations posing as governments so as to legitimize violence are no longer an appropriate coordination for a social contract, but also, that the individual at this level is not yet ready to divest from the system, but ready and able enough to stand up to support a consented to model of social organization. The second degree might entail the active separation from dominator culture by researching, learning, and living into what it means to be a peaceful inhabitant: using one's own wit and elbow grease to make a habitable and hospitable place in the world for oneself, one's kin, and the wider human community. The third degree could then be the post of diplomat who seeks individuals in need of support when 'the man' comes down on them, as no one is free until all our brothers and sisters are freed of their chains, or so some dirty commie put it :).
Well that's the start of the idea.
I would really appreciate any feedback that might be applicable to this idea. I realize it's short and perhaps somewhat trite, but I've been working on a bigger writing project for a few months. Of course every piece of my writing is part and parcel with everything else, I just really wanted to get this idea out there in whatever capacity I can before the wider project comes to fruition.
Thanks anyone everyone who reads this!