Sunday, September 19, 2010


Well, it's been a while since I've posted, mostly because I've been in transit, moving from one place to another as I so often do; also because I've been updating my ideas and how they relate overall, the ideas have subsequently developed substantially. My work of late has focused on the ideas I originally wanted to include in the philosophical sort of treatise that I imagined creating shortly after resigning from academia. Though the ideas I want to express haven't changed very much, the way I express myself has changed quite dramatically. Indeed, I've developed some very succinct ways to show what I have to say that are far more precise and definite than I ever had before. Writing through this blog format has rendered my style more acute than I was previously able to communicate.

What I've been doing is compiling the couple of months worth of writing that occurred as the initiation of the misfit shaman, and incorporating that work into a previous project that was my retort to academia. The post entitled The Stone That The Builder Refused was my first draft at a first chapter for the aforementioned project. It has changed quite significantly over the past few year that I've been entertaining the ideas, even though the heart of the matter remains true to the original intent. The posts that follow will be my work on this philosophical treatise that will hopefully adequately contain the scope of my intended communication.

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