This topic, insufferable as it is, requires particular mediation: much information about 'what is going on' is readily available for mass consumption, given, for the first time at a level of general interpretation. Many competing perspectives are available from anywhere in the world, by obvious measures like the networking capacity of the internet. What one is to make of these revelatory phenomena are of one's own individual make of things.
Movements that would tend to corral these inclinations, expressed as the Zeitgeist, truth, or freeman, perspectives, consist of limited expressions of the overall motivation. People, at least some of them, are of the mind to stand up for themselves on levels that they're not supposed to be aware of in the slightest. Or are they? As it stands is that although these perspectives offer much food for thought to the creatively imaginative individual, many involved find themselves mired in one of the other, unable to bring about a functional alternative within the paradigms at hand.
Unfortunately, many involved in the so-called truth movement have taken the essentially neutral information provided by slanted ideological perspectives as valid truth in and of itself, there remains much further informational integration of all the ideas at hand. Nor do I pretend to offer such a complete project in and of itself, only can I present my interpretation of the overall mulitplex of ideas at hand. Again, the general trend in these movements has been to take the information at hand hook line and sinker with the slanted perspective from which it originates. By this token, I infer that information is better considered a quotient to be ascertained from everything in question, from the facts presented to the origins and demarcations of ideas presented as facts, as well as the general temperament and disposition of the manner in which the ideas are presented. Everything is always in question.
From these questions, however, I have gathered as the most functional belief system to entertain in matters of global agendas, that there are indeed nefarious agents in operation that would see to many different impositions of influence and control by many different means. As to an entirely functional perspective that would elucidate the entirety of this agenda, I can by no means pretend to entertain such a feat. As for specific agendas and functionalities that operate within the confines of specifically ascertainable conspiratorial evidence, be they derived from symbolism, scientific method, mystical or otherwise directly real experiences, seem the more plausible hypotheses in contrast to their opposite, that everything is as it should be, with the structure of world political systems easily discernible from an everyday consumption of generally available media products. Fuck that noise.
Too often have ideas, and experiences thereof, been obscured by the convenient interpretation at hand instead of being pursued to their functional limits. This liminal rendering of everyday experience is a functional expression of the dominant cultural ideologies of any given day. On a more personal level, these limitations are either taken on or transcended by the organism wishing to pursue the dominant programming mechanisms or approaching the development of life on its own terms, with imagination of possibilities. In examination of the multifarious capacities that might rightly be called me, I've found that an honest assessment of the reality construct afforded to any entity that happens to be birthed into this modern world, reveals that sinister forces are at work to proscribe specific behaviours that play out in occult rituals and the unfoldment of obscure belief systems. Among these forces are the more obvious figureheads intended to attract the attention of anyone interested in the phenomena, be they the skull & bones, bohemian club, vatican, or royal family, of notable influence indeed. But if anyone interested wishes to proclaim that any single aspect or allegiance is the true motivating factor in any and/or all manifestations of the global agenda as so-called new-world-order, Zionism, the new atlantis, etc., I propose that they are probably wrong from the get go, as more is probably at work than they are aware.
Restricting oneself to entirely 'conspiratorial' realms when seeking information is as limited as only looking to the mainstream media for evidence to inspire answers to the questions of life. Truth is to be found only in the living experience of life, to my mind, informed but not limited by the data at hand.
It is the creative imagination that offers novel development in the idea structures, beliefs, in operation at any given moment. To be taken as honestly as possible, grounded in an emotionally stable interpretation of reality, the connections to be made between the development of western civilization through the deployment of specific ideological patterns, show mainly a tendency towards faith in the conventions of current social paradigms. The question of culture seldom arises in populations that are specially moderated within a comfortable social dichotomy. Same with those entirely embedded within a specifically limited paradigm, whether that be the reality offered by MTV or the 'Truth' movement.
This by no means speaks to the nefariousness or ubiquity of the global agenda in question. It most certainly find expressions in the most heinous of atrocities, from the holocaust to the AIDS epidemic, by my assessment. To link the two directly might take several leaps of the imagination, but the underlying attitude in operation, is to my best analysis, a very similar approach. Devise a scheme to terrorize and murder segments of the population in order to enforce false authority upon frightened masses. Instruct a workable social organism that will follow top-down supervision in the execution of inhumane directives. Maintain a psychological bifurcation in all human organisms between whatever they might truly be and the programmed social realities that offer comfort by complacency and obedience. Construct a plausible deniability that affords those of mediocre intent a haven for their dissent, another group of consumers who need nothing other than constant info-wars and intergalactic reports. Strictly one approach or another will not reveal the only potential interstice in the unfoldment of the global agenda. This break, I propose, is that those complacent in the perpetuation of the nwo, namely you and I, arrest our compliance with it. By taking an honest inner journey, I propose, anyone and everyone will find much more to their lives than previously considered from an attitude of socially deterministic measures.
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ReplyDeleteThis is a great tutorial for those like me who confront with this kind of issue. I appreciatte that you publish this post, it's really helpful! Thank's!
ReplyDeleteNicely said! Couldn't agree more...